Leadnics - Metafic
⬤ 01. Challenges

Brewing professional connections that spark success.

Making genuine connections with other professionals is still quite difficult in today’s fast-paced work environment. It might be difficult to find meaningful connections made at industry events or through more generic professional social networks that cater to each person’s unique set of skills and interests. Countless professionals are on the lookout for better ways to interact because of the wasted chances for mentorship, growth, and collaboration caused by this fragmented approach.

Also, it’s not always easy to turn online connections into in-person engagements using the current digital platforms. Users are forced to multitask due to the lack of integrated tools for rapid communication and event scheduling, which weakens the entire networking experience. CoffeeXChange solves these problems by building an ecosystem where professionals can interact virtually and meet in person through effective profile matching, real-time discussions, and easy event scheduling.

⬤ 02. Unique Proposition

One thing that makes CoffeeXChange stand out is the integrated event scheduling, real-time communication, and smart matching algorithms it offers. By taking a one-of-a-kind approach, this method changes the static nature of networking by connecting people based on exact alignment of interests, abilities, and industry knowledge. Every connection becomes a chance for professional and business success with CoffeeXChange because it streamlines the process from online introduction to in-person collaboration, saving time while cultivating real, mutually beneficial partnerships.


/ Foundations

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Playfair Display, Open Sans


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⬤ 03. Design & Tech

While developing CoffeeXChange, the design team overcame a number of distinct obstacles. In order to maintain the app clean and user-friendly, they had to strike a balance between providing users with thorough information in an information-rich design and preventing users from being overwhelmed with extensive professional profiles. From creating a profile and finding a match to communicating in real-time and booking events, designing a user journey that flows smoothly needed iterative testing and innovative problem-solving. The team fine-tuned the interface’s aesthetic components and technical performance to ensure a consistent, high-quality aesthetic across all platforms and devices. The result is an interface that is appealing to the eye and easy to use.

The design of CoffeeXChange is modern and user-friendly, with an emphasis on both form and function. The design team has used Sketch to create an easy-to-navigate, engaging interface that makes user interactions feel natural and satisfying. Using Firebase for real-time communication, user authentication, and event scheduling, the app is built on a powerful tech stack. React Native is used for a smooth, cross-platform mobile experience. The professional networking experience is taken to the next level with this platform’s sleek and responsive design, made possible by state-of-the-art technology.

Technologies Used

/ Foundations & Beyond

Android, iOS, Web (Admin)


With a team of 5 on the CXC project, the experts decided to use the following technologies for mobile apps, database, and admin dashboard.

AWS Logo


Leadnics is an AI-powered lead-capturing, mobile-first CRM that has been specially developed for events and trade shows. Users can instantly capture leads, learn more about them, connect with them, and share details with the team. It can also be integrated with other CRMs.


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